Opening Doors Using Internet Of Things (IoT) Based Face Recognition
10.47709/brilliance.v1i2.1095Kata Kunci:
Face Recognition, Esp32 Cam, NodeMCU, Relay, SolenoidDimension Badge Record
Face recognition is a digital image processing approach that uses face photographs as input to identify a person. Face recognition is important since the face is a person's primary means of identification because the shape of a person's face differs significantly, which is easy to do intuitively using the visual senses. Image processing, face detection, feature extraction, and classification are all aspects of the face recognition system, which seeks to determine whether the image obtained is a person's face stored in the database. Principles of operation If a human face appears in front of the camera, the system quickly executes a facial recognition procedure and compares the face to facial data kept on the website. If a face detected by the camera matches the face stored on the website, the solenoid will automatically be in the on position or the door will be open, and vice versa, if the face detected by the camera does not match, the solenoid will remain in the off position or the door will remain locked. This tool can be used to improve the security system on the door of a private room or a room that can only be accessed by certain people.
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