About the Journal

Jurnal Mathematical and Data Analytics merupakan dua bidang yang saling terkait dan sering digunakan bersama untuk mengolah informasi. Matematika memberikan dasar teoritis dan alat untuk pemodelan dan analisis data. Ini melibatkan konsep seperti statistika, kalkulus, aljabar, dan teori bilangan. Sementara itu, Analisis Data fokus pada pengumpulan, pemrosesan, interpretasi, dan presentasi data untuk mendapatkan wawasan yang berarti. Integrasi matematika dan analisis data memungkinkan penggunaan metode matematis untuk memecahkan masalah dunia nyata dan mengambil keputusan berdasarkan informasi yang ditemukan dalam data. Keterampilan dalam kedua bidang ini menjadi krusial dalam berbagai disiplin ilmu, termasuk ilmu komputer, ekonomi, sains, dan bisnis.

Journal Title : Mthematical And Data Analytics
Initials : MDA
Frequency : Januari,  Juli
E-ISSN : 3048-0787
Editor in Chief  : Habib Syarkowi Harahap
DOI Prefix : 10.47709
Publisher : Yayasan Cita Cendekiawan Al Khwarizmi

Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Artikel Desember 2024
Call for Papers: Mathematical and Data Analytics

Mathematical and Data Analytics (MDA) invites researchers, academicians, and practitioners to submit high-quality original research papers, review articles, and case studies for its upcoming issues. We welcome submissions that contribute to the theoretical advancements and practical applications in the fields of mathematics and data analytics.

About the Journal

Mathematical and Data Analytics is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes cutting-edge research at the intersection of mathematics and data science. Our mission is to advance the understanding of mathematical techniques and their applications in data analytics, fostering innovation and collaboration across disciplines.

Scope of the Journal

We encourage submissions in, but not limited to, the following areas:

  • Mathematical Foundations:

    • Algebra, calculus, and analysis.
    • Mathematical modeling and optimization.
    • Probability theory and statistics.
  • Data Analytics:

    • Data mining and big data analytics.
    • Machine learning and artificial intelligence.
    • Predictive and prescriptive analytics.
  • Applications of Mathematics in Data Science:

    • Mathematical techniques in bioinformatics.
    • Financial mathematics and risk analysis.
    • Mathematical methods in social sciences and humanities.
  • Interdisciplinary Studies:

    • Integration of mathematical approaches with computer science.
    • Applications of data analytics in engineering and technology.
    • Mathematical and statistical methods in environmental science.
Submission Guidelines
  1. Manuscript Preparation:

    • Manuscripts should be written in English and formatted according to the journal's guidelines.
    • Original research papers should present novel findings and should not exceed 8000 words.
    • Review articles and case studies should provide comprehensive insights into specific areas and should not exceed 10000 words.
  2. Submission Process:

    • Authors should submit their manuscripts online through the journal's submission portal [link to submission portal].
    • All submissions will undergo a double-blind peer review process to ensure the quality and relevance of the research.
  3. Important Dates:

    • Submission Deadline: [specific date]
    • Notification of Acceptance: [specific date]
    • Publication Date: [specific date]
Why Publish with Us?
  • High Visibility: Your research will be accessible to a wide audience through our open-access platform.
  • Rigorous Peer Review: Each submission is reviewed by experts in the field to ensure high standards of quality and scientific rigor.
  • Fast Publication: We offer a streamlined review process and timely publication to ensure that your research reaches the audience quickly.
Contact Information

For any inquiries regarding the submission process or manuscript preparation, please contact:

Editorial Office: Mathematical and Data Analytics
Email: editor@itscience.org
Phone: +62 821-7294-9068

Published: 2024-06-23
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