
Implementation of The K-Nearest Neighbor Method to Determine The Quality of Export Import Swallow's Nest


  • Benny Johanes universitas prima indonesia
  • Delpy Nisma Mendrofa Universitas Prima Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Oloan Sihombing Universitas Prima Indonesia, Indonesia




data mining, K-NN, Swift's nest, quality, export

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In this study discusses the quality of the feasibility of swallow's nests that are suitable for export, Based on the problem from the research, it discusses how to select export-worthy swallow's nests in order to maintain the confidence of buying from abroad. The method used in this research is the K-NN method which can determine the feasibility of applying for the rank of lecturer. The data that is processed is 100, the input criteria for bowl 4, broken 2, destroyed a 2, destroyed b 2. This system succeeded in displaying appropriate and inappropriate results for lecturer data that had been input into the data set.


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Submitted Date: 2021-12-18
Accepted Date: 2021-12-19
Published Date: 2022-01-05

How to Cite

Johanes, B., Mendrofa, D. N. ., & Sihombing, O. . (2022). Implementation of The K-Nearest Neighbor Method to Determine The Quality of Export Import Swallow’s Nest. Journal of Computer Networks, Architecture and High Performance Computing, 4(1), 46-53.