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The authors(s) must follow the author guidelines in preparing the manuscript before submission:
The title is the fewest possible informative words (not more than 12 words) that must accurately describe the content/topic of discussion.
The Author’s Name
The maximum number of authors is five people. The author's name must be written without followed by the title and include the author's affiliation
Name of Affiliation for Each Author
The author’s name should be accompanied by a complete affiliation address and corresponding email address.
They were written briefly in English in one paragraph of 150-250 words. It should introduce the subject matter/topic of discussion, the study's goal, the theory used, the method applied, and the (expected) findings. It should be self-contained and must be citation-free. It should not contain any undefined abbreviations or unspecified references.
Keywords (Conceptual Words)
Please provide 3 to 5 keywords as index terms signifying the article content.
Abbreviations (if any)
They are the spelled out terms in the text for the first time and used consistently after that.
It should be concise, with no subheadings. It should cover the background and the description of the problem and the importance of the subject matter.
Literature Review
It presents the theory applied and the related literature on the previous researches on the topic.
Research Method
It consists of the description of the method of analysis.
Results and Discussion
It consists of the analysis and description of the results and the outputs of the research.
It should clearly explain the important conclusions of the work, highlighting its significance and relevance.
Acknowledgements (If Any)
It indicates sources of funding or helps to carry out your study and/or prepare the manuscript.
The main references are international journals and proceedings. The references should be sufficient (consist of at least 15 references). All references should be to the most pertinent and up-to-date sources. At most 5 years.
Please use a APA 6Th Edition formatting style.
Fudholi,A, Sopian, K. Yazdi, M.H. Ruslan, M. Gabbasa, H.A. Kazem. (2014). Performance analysis of solar drying system for red chili. Sol. Energy, 99. pp. 47-54, 10.1016/j.solener.2013.10.019
Hamdani, T.A. Rizal, Zulfri Muhammad. (2018). Fabrication and testing of hybrid solar-biomass dryer for drying fish. Case Stud Therm Eng, 12 pp. 489-496, 10.1016/j.csite.2018.06.008
Karthikeyan, A.K. , S. Murugavelh. (2018). Thin layer drying kinetics and exergy analysis of turmeric (Curcuma longa) in a mixed mode forced convection solar tunnel dryer. Renew. Energy, 128, pp. 305-312, 10.1016/j.renene.2018.05.061
Altland, J. E., & Locke, J. C. (2012). Biochar affects macronutrient leaching from a soilless substrate. HortScience, 47(8), 1136–1140.
Alsuhaibani, A. M., ALkehayez, N. M., Alshawi, A. H., & Al-Faris, N. A. (2017). Effects of chlorophyll on body functioning and blood glucose levels. Asian Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 9(2), 64-70.
Arshiya, S. (2013). The antioxidant effect of certain fruits: - A review. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 5(12), 265–268. Retrieved from
Note for the Authors:
The editorial board is rigorous regarding plagiarism. The journal believes that taking the ideas and work of others without giving them credit is unfair and dishonest. Copying even one sentence from someone else's manuscript, or even one of your own that has previously been published, without proper citation, is considered plagiarism—use your own words instead. The editorial board retains the absolute authority to reject the review process of a submitted manuscript if it is subject to minor or major plagiarism and may cancel the publication upon the complaint of victim(s) of plagiarism.
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