
The Influence of Food and Beverage Product Marketing on Consumer Purchase Interest in MSME Actors in Makassar


  • Rezky Naim Unismuh Mamuju
  • Sultan STIE Makassar Maju
  • ST. Rukaiyah Univertas Fajar Makassar
  • Rahmat Laan Universitas Muhammadiyah Kupang




Food and Beverage Products, Interest in buying

Dimension Badge Record


The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of food and beverage
variables on purchasing preferences. Data collection was carried out by
distributing questionnaires to MSME stakeholders in five sub-districts
spread across the city of Makassar. Hypothesis testing here involves the
use of multiple regression analysis. The results of this study show that
food and beverage variables have a strong effect on purchase intent.
Background: Buying interest in consumers is a very important
phenomenon in marketing activities. Buying interest is consumer
behavior that bases the purchase decision to be made". From the above
opinion, it can be said that the buying interest arises from within a
consumer after consuming and feeling 4 own
benefits received when consuming a product. Consumer buying interest
can be influenced by product quality. Some of the descriptions above, the
author is interested in knowing the relationship between Product Quality
and Buying Interest, so the researcher conducted a study entitled Based
on the description above, the purpose of this study is to test whether the
product has an effect on consumer interest in shopping for MSME Actors.
Method: The respondents here are MSMEs in Makassar City. This
research method uses purposeful sampling method. The duration of this
study was carried out for 3 months due to the time of distribution of
questionnaires and the coverage covered by all MSME actors in the city
of Makassar. For the evaluation of each statement item using a 5-point
Likert scale, where 1 strongly disagrees and 5 strongly agrees. Hypothesis
testing is performed using simple linear regression analysis. The formula
of the regression equation is: Y = a +b1X1+e
Result: The product has a positive effect on the desire to buy. This can
be seen from the significance value smaller than alpha 0.000 (<0.05)
which indicates a significant influence. A positive beta value of 0.464
means that the influence of the product on customer decisions is positive.
That is, the better and more diverse products offered by MSME agents,
the more people are interested in making purchases. This can be seen
from the significance value below alpha 0.000 (<0.05) which indicates
the effect of having a positive beta value of 0.345. This means that the
effect of price on purchase intention is positive. Conclusion: From the
results of research and discussion, several things can be concluded. First,
the variety and quality of products offered by small and medium-sized
businesses arouses interest and desire to buy from customers and
potential consumers. Second, attractive prices also encourage consumers
to buy bamboo products from MSME players.
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Abstract viewed = 218 times


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Submitted Date: 2023-08-16
Accepted Date: 2023-08-16
Published Date: 2023-08-16