
AI-Powered Innovations in Contemporary Manufacturing Procedures: An Extensive Analysis


  • Shahrukh Khan Lodhi Trine University Detroit, Michigan
  • Ahmad Yousaf Gill American National University, USA
  • Ibrar Hussain University of Punjab Lahore, Pakistan




Supply chain optimization, artificial intelligence (AI), robots, automation, predictive maintenance, quality assurance, computer vision, machine learning, data analytics, manufacturing efficiency, operational flexibility, defect detection, inventory management, forecasting, supplier performanc

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The industrial sector is undergoing a transformation thanks to artificial intelligence (AI), which is bringing revolutionary changes to a number of areas like robots and automation, supply chain efficiency, predictive maintenance, and quality control and assurance. This thorough analysis investigates AI's significant influence on contemporary manufacturing procedures. Artificial Intelligence (AI) improves machine capabilities in robotics and automation, creating more intelligent and flexible systems. Robots can now complete complicated tasks with more flexibility and precision thanks to AI-driven developments, which boosts manufacturing efficiency and human-robot cooperation. Another crucial area where AI has a big impact is predictive maintenance. With the use of machine learning algorithms and real-time data analysis, artificial intelligence (AI) helps manufacturers anticipate equipment faults before they happen. By taking a proactive stance, unplanned downtime is decreased, resource usage is optimized, and machinery longevity is increased. AI has a significant positive impact on quality assurance and control because to cutting-edge technologies like data analytics and computer vision. Artificial intelligence (AI) solutions facilitate predictive quality management, improve fault identification, and offer real-time monitoring. Higher quality standards, less waste, and more customer happiness are the outcomes of this. Artificial Intelligence (AI) tackles issues related to supplier performance, accurate forecasting, and inventory management in supply chain optimization. Automation and analytics powered by AI simplify supply chain processes, increase transparency, and facilitate improved decision-making, which lowers costs and increases flexibility. All things considered, integrating AI into manufacturing processes offers a strategic advantage by promoting increased accuracy, flexibility, and efficiency. The continued developments in AI technology have the potential to significantly influence how manufacturing develops in the future by creating new avenues for creativity and excellence in the sector.

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Submitted Date: 2024-08-31
Accepted Date: 2024-08-31
Published Date: 2024-09-02