Revolutionizing Healthcare with AI: Innovative Strategies in Cancer Medicine
Precision medicine, medical imaging, pathologic interpretation, genetic profiling, tailored treatment, artificial intelligence, oncology, cancer care, early detection, diagnosis, treatment planning, predictive analytics, and future directionsDimension Badge Record
By improving early detection, diagnosis, treatment planning, and patient management, artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the way that cancer is treated. An overview of AI's function in cancer is given in this article, with special attention to how it advances precision medicine and improves patient outcomes. Numerous AI applications are discussed, such as predictive analytics, pathology interpretation, genetic profiling, and medical imaging analysis. Case studies highlight effective AI applications in cancer care, showcasing the technology's effectiveness in enhancing the precision of diagnoses, directing individualized treatment choices, and tracking treatment response. The paper delves into the possible advancements in early identification, therapy optimization, and patient engagement through an exploration of future directions and innovations in AI-driven oncology research. The conclusion emphasizes how AI has the ability to completely change the way cancer is treated and enhance the lives of cancer sufferers all over the world.
Abstract viewed = 293 times
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Copyright (c) 2024 Murad Khan, Ashish Shiwlani, Ashish Shiwlani, Muhammad Umer Qayyum, Abdul Mannan Khan Sherani, Hafiz Khawar Hussain

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