Author Guidelines

Governors: Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility Journal operates a double-blind peer review model. All articles undergo an initial assessment by the journal editor. If they are considered suitable for peer review, articles will then be reviewed by a minimum of two external reviewers to assess their suitability for publication. The final responsibility for editorial decisions rests with the journal editor.

In uniforming scientific writing, researchers are expected to be able to follow the template properly. The following are some general instructions related to writing guidelines:

The Title

Describes the subject of the script adequately, clearly, precisely, not multiple interpretations, and consists of a maximum of 12 words.

The maximum number of authors is 5 people. The author's name must be written without followed by the title and, include the author's affiliation 

1. Abstracts are expected to summarize all the contents of the manuscript starting from the Background, Problems, Methods used in problem-solving, Results, Discussion and Conclusions obtained

  1. The abstract is not permitted to use abbreviations
  2. In Abstracts are not permitted to include trademark
  3. In the Abstract it is not permitted to contain citations
  4. The number of words in the abstract must range between 150-250 words
  5. Keyword states the core keywords about the research carried out which contains 3-8 words.

In the introduction, researchers are expected to be able to explain the existing phenomena or background information such as prior work, hypotheses, and problems to be discussed. This is followed by a statement of the purpose of the research issue or problem and/or a set of questions you attempt to answer in your research

Literature Study

A literature Study is a critical, analytical summary and synthesis of the current knowledge of a topic.  It should compare and relate different theories/research, findings, and so on, rather than just summarize them individually.  It should also have a particular focus or theme to organize the review. In this section, the researcher can describe some of the related previous studies. Researchers can review the gaps in the research, then it can be used as a basis for research to be carried out

In this section, each researcher is expected to be able to make the most recent contribution related to the solution to the existing problems. Researchers can also use images, diagrams, and flowcharts to explain the solutions to these problems.

In this section, the researcher will explain the results of the research obtained. Researchers can also use images, tables, and curves to explain the results of the study. These results should present the raw data or the results after applying the techniques outlined in the methods section. The results are simply results; they do not conclude.

In this section, the researchers can give a simple discussion related to the results of the research trials. This section contains the author's opinion about the research results obtained. Common features of the discussion section include the comparison between measured and modeled data or comparison among various modeling methods, the results obtained to solve a specific engineering or scientific problem, and further explanation of new and significant findings

Conclusion and Suggestion

The conclusion contains a summary of what is learned from the results obtained, and what needs to be improved in further study. Other common features of the conclusions are the benefits and applications of the research, limitation, and recommendations based on the results obtained.

References must have 15 at least 10 years of sources and the citation and references use APA 6Th Edition formatting style. 50% of total references are cited from Scopus Journal, ScienceDirect, IEEE Explorer, ACM Digital Library, Springer Link, Clarivate Analytics, and Indonesian national accredited journals (SINTA 1/2). The formatting style for citation and references can be seen as the following example (Rahma & Aldi, 2020) :

Rahma, A. A., & Aldi, F. (2020). Effect of foreign commissioners, ethnic commissioners, and feminism commissioners towards CSR disclosure. Assets : Jurnal Akuntansi Dan Pendidikan, 9(1), 16–29.



Please note a few important components: (use certain tools to help you)
1. English Translation
2. Level of Plagiarism
3. Template Suitability
4. Author must provide a Plagiarism Check and Proofreading when the Editor request