Implementation of YOLO in Cabbage Plant Disease Detection for Smart and Sustainable Agriculture
cabbage plant disease, Classification, deep learning, Yolo segmentationDimension Badge Record
Cabbage plants are a commodity needed by the community and an export commodity that must have good quality and be worth selling. There are approaches to create detection systems, namely rule-based and image-based. The use of images allows the system to be reorganized by training data, resulting in a flexible system. The image will be detected by the model and then predict the cabbage plant disease. The data used is image data, namely Alternaria Spots, Healthy, Black Root, and White Rust. Implementation This research tests the YOLO model in making a detection system with the highest precision-confidence result for all labels is 78,5%. While in confusion-matrix testing, the highest result is 0.67 in White Rust disease. This indicates that the YOLO model can identify diseases in cabbage plants based on data that has been trained with great results.
Abstract viewed = 113 times
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