College Department Recommendation Expert System Web-Based Using Certainty Factor Method
Decision, College Major, Expert System, Certainty Factor MethodDimension Badge Record
The choice of college major is an important decision that each prospective student must take. In the decision-making process, a genuinely accurate source of information is usually needed to avoid mistakes for prospective students when determining the college major they will take. This study implemented the certainty factor method in a website-based college central recommendation expert system to minimize and avoid these mistakes. This study uses the certainty factor method to calculate the level of confidence and uncertainty of each recommendation result given by the expert system. This system will use predetermined rules to connect input and output to provide results that match the input from the user. Based on this process, prospective students will then obtain the appropriate college major recommendation results; in this study, the recommendations are based on the types of intelligence. This study aims to help solve existing problems by building an expert system to provide colleges with significant recommendations and by implementing the certainty factor method to determine the output results of recommendations from the system. This study produces a "College Major Recommendation Expert System (SIPAREK)" to help determine college majors that suit each interest to minimize the risk of mistakes in choosing a college major. In this study, the accuracy value of the recommendation results by applying the certainty factor method was 80%; from this value, it can be concluded that the certainty factor method can work well to provide recommendations for college majors in the system created.
Abstract viewed = 58 times
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