K-Means Algorithm For Clustering Poverty Data in Bangka Belitung Island Province
Data Mining, K-Means, Clustering, Bangka Belitung Islands, PovertyDimension Badge Record
The Central Bureau of Statistics is a non-ministerial government institution that reports directly to the President. Based on data from The Central Bureau of Statistics in September 2019, the wealth rate in Indonesia was 9.22% and the number of indigent people in Indonesia reached 24.79 million. The poverty rate in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province was low compared to the national level. This is evidenced by 4.62% of people in Bangka Belitung Island Province were indigent people, which is lower than the national average of 9.22%. The data mining techniques using the K-Means Clustering method are used for this study. The research data was taken from the website of the BPS from 2014-2019 which consisted of 7 districts and/or cities with 3 variables. The variables used are the number of indigent people (in thousands), the average length of school education (years), and adjusted per capita expenditure (thousand rupiahs/year). All data is processed by Rapidminer and 3 clusters are carried out, namely: medium cluster level 0, high cluster level 1, and low cluster level 2. Cluster 0 contains districts/cities whose people have the longest average school time, high per capita expenditure, and a large number of indigent people. Cluster 1 contains districts/cities whose people have a short average school time, low per capita expenditure, a moderate number of indigent people. Cluster 2 contains districts/cities whose people have an average school time, moderate per capita expenditure, a small number of indigent people. Based on the result, the government can prioritize Kabupaten Bangka, Kabupaten Bangka Barat, Kabupaten Bangka Selatan in assisting, especially in the cost of education scholarships and social funds as well as other infrastructure improvements for the welfare of the inhabitants of Bangka Belitung Islands Province.
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