Comparison of Lexical and Semantic Approaches for Relevance Measurement in Quranic Verse Translation Retrieval
lexical, semantic, relevance measurement, quranic verce translationDimension Badge Record
This research explores the effectiveness of lexical and semantic approaches for relevance measurement in Quranic verse translation retrieval, focusing on Indonesian translations. Quranic verses encompass complex linguistic structures and diverse contexts, making precise retrieval challenging. Two retrieval methods were evaluated: lexical similarity, which focuses on exact word matches, and semantic similarity, which captures contextual meaning using word embeddings. The study utilized a dataset of Indonesian Quranic translations, preprocessed to normalize and tokenize text, with experimental queries derived from thematic exegesis on social responsibility. Evaluation was performed using precision, recall, and F1-score on top-5, top-10, and top-15 retrieved results. The lexical approach achieved perfect precision (100%) but exhibited lower recall (46%-58%), as it failed to retrieve relevant verses lacking exact matches. Conversely, the semantic approach demonstrated higher recall (56%-59%) and F1-scores (73%-74%) by identifying verses with contextual relevance, even in the absence of lexical similarity. The results reveal that while the lexical approach ensures precise matches, it overlooks semantic richness. The semantic approach, although computationally intensive, achieves greater contextual understanding. These findings highlight the potential for hybrid retrieval systems combining both approaches to enhance accuracy and relevance in Quranic information retrieval, supporting scholarly research and user engagement with Quranic content.
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