Evaluation of Determining the Best Product Promotion Media Decisions for MSMEs with ROC Ranking Technique and SAW Ranking Method
Multi Attribute Decision Making, Best Promotion Media, ROC (Rank Order Centroid), SAW (Simple Additive Weighting), MSMEsDimension Badge Record
Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) face challenges in determining effective promotional media to increase sales of their products. This research aims to evaluate and determine the best promotional media for MSMEs using the ROC (Rank Order Centroid) ranking technique and the SAW (Simple Additive Weighting) method. The criteria used include Advertising Costs, Target Market, Promotion Time, and Brand Image. Based on the calculation of criteria weights with the ROC technique and evaluation of alternatives with the SAW method, Social Media was found to be the best promotional media, followed by Search Engines and Product Collaboration. Social Media has advantages in low cost, wide target market reach, and promotional flexibility and effectiveness. Search Engines and Product Collaboration also showed good results in reaching the target market and promotional flexibility. In contrast, Print Media ranked the lowest due to limited reach and high costs. This research provides guidance for MSMEs in choosing the right promotional media and optimizing resources for maximum promotional results.
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