Determination of Data Mining Application Design Patterns Booking Raw Food In Restaurant Fountain With Apriori Algorithm
Determination, Data Mining, Apriori methodDimension Badge Record
Booking is an activity carried out by certain parties to ensure availability, in carrying out certain activities the company has a supply of material in quantities that exceed the needs. As a result, in the warehouse there is a buildup of raw materials or it can happen otherwise. Inventories of materials that are too small can hinder the company's operations in the form of unavailability of materials when needed. The role of inventory will determine the operation of the company because the inventory will run well if supported by good management. Therefore, the concept of inventory management that affects ordering is very important to be applied by companies so that the goals of effectiveness and efficiency are achieved. So we need a Data Mining that can quickly to determine the Determination of Food Raw Material Ordering Patterns in Restaurant Fountain Using Apriori. Data Mining is the extraction of new information taken from large chunks of data that helps in making decisions. One of the applications of data mining for Determining the Pattern of Ordering Food Raw Materials in Restaurant Fountain Using Apriori. Apriori method is a method for determining frequent itemsets for boolean association rules. The research aims to build the application of Determining the Pattern of Ordering Food Raw Materials in Restaurant Fountain with a web-based application and as a tool for designing applications using the Mysql Database. This data mining is able to determine the ordering of food items in the Restaurant Fountain with the required amount.
Abstract viewed = 408 times
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