Analysis of the Multi Objective Optimization by Ratio Analysis (MOORA) Method in Determining Pilot Areas at PT. XYZ
Pilot Area, Decision Support System, MOORA, AccuracyDimension Badge Record
This research analyzes the application of the Multi Objective Optimization by Ratio Analysis (MOORA) method model in determining the Pilot Area at PT XYZ. This method is used to evaluate various performance criteria, including customer satisfaction, productivity, service quality, and operational efficiency. Currently, the Pilot Area assessment and selection process at PT XYZ is still done manually, which causes a lack of accuracy and efficiency. MOORA was chosen for its ability to handle multi-criteria decision-making problems more systematically and objectively. The analysis results showed that Alternative Area 7 obtained the highest final score of 0.39, placing it as an area with superior performance. The application of MOORA is proven to improve accuracy and efficiency in the Pilot Area determination process, providing a more objective basis for decision-making. By using MOORA, PT XYZ can evaluate area performance more comprehensively and accountably. This research recommends that PT XYZ implement the MOORA method thoroughly and conduct periodic evaluations of the methods used. For theory development, PT XYZ can add specific evaluation criteria according to company needs. The implementation of these suggestions is expected to improve the quality of service and competitiveness of PT XYZ in the global market. Further research is expected to compare MOORA with other methods to strengthen the validity of the results. Thus, this research not only provides a practical contribution to PT XYZ but also adds academic insight into the application of multi-criteria optimization methods in the context of performance management and service improvement.
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