
Data Mining Power Determination Nurses Sultan Sulaiman Hospital With C4.5 Algorithm


  • Wenika Hidayati STMIK Pelita Nusantara
  • Paska Marto Hasugian Lecturer Teknik Informatika, STMIK Pelita Nusantara, Medan




Determination, Data Mining, Algorithm C4.5

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The hospital is an agency engaged in health services in the which there are a number of special professions that can provide health services to the community items, namely doctors, Midwives and nurses and other professes. In this discussion, Arise and problems that can be raised into case studies to find out the results and information of each process in data mining Carried out with the C4.5 algorithm items, namely nurses. However, there are Several obstacles to Determine the nurses who will be declared passed or failed and accepted to work and can provide health services to the community, especially Patients who come for treatment. Therefore we need a method to identify nurses in a hospital. Data Mining with c4. 5 Algorithm can be used to the make predictions or classifications of nurses who are eligible to perform health services in hospitals by making decision trees based on existing data. This study aims to apply the data mining algorithm C4.5 in Determining nurses based on four attributes of used items, namely Accreditation, GPA, Age, and the value of each criterion has been determined in advance. The results of the study in the form of a decision tree Obtained from the data mining process with the C4.5 algorithm will provide information on the determination of nurses in the Sultan Sulaiman Regional Hospital.


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Submitted Date: 2019-11-09
Accepted Date: 2019-11-09
Published Date: 2020-01-01

How to Cite

Hidayati, W., & Hasugian, P. M. (2020). Data Mining Power Determination Nurses Sultan Sulaiman Hospital With C4.5 Algorithm. Journal of Computer Networks, Architecture and High Performance Computing, 2(1), 77-82.

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