Design a Desktop-Based Load and Customer Calculation Application Information System (SIAPEL)
Application, Calculation, Waterfall, Information System, NetbeansDimension Badge Record
In today's technological developments, many people are using technology to make work easier, as is PT. PLN Persero Customer Service Implementation Unit (UP3) Tasikmalaya. Several parts of this company, especially the section for recording expenses and customers by the PDKB Team, still use manual methods, namely by calculating using a calculator. This method is very risky, especially as it has the potential for errors in calculations or writing of the recorded numbers. Given these problems, a desktop-based load and customer calculation application information system (SIAPEL) was built. Information system solutions for related load and customer data calculation applications (SIAPEL) so that the results obtained are faster and more accurate. By making direct observations or observations, actively communicating with related fields through the interview process, and looking for research materials that support building an application as a solution to the problems faced. The load and customer calculation application information system (SIAPEL) is an application that can calculate load and customer data and can store the data as a form of company archive. The system development used is waterfall with stages or processes carried out sequentially from the system. The software used to build the load and customer calculation application information system (SIAPEL) is NetBeans 8.2, Java Development Kit 1.8, and MySql. Users can process load calculation data and process customer calculation data. And users can print reports from data that has been entered into the system database. With SIAPEL, it is hoped that it can reduce the risk of information errors and make it easier for users to calculate, store and process data. And it can be used as a more effective way to process data compared to using manual methods
Abstract viewed = 80 times
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